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Appointment Accessibility Standards

Date: 02/20/25

Ambetter from Arkansas Health & Wellness is committed to making sure members have timely access to healthcare in accordance with accessibility requirements set forth by regulatory and accrediting agencies. We monitor compliance with these standards annually to ensure adequate appointment availability and reduce unnecessary emergency room visits.

Ambetter offers a comprehensive network of PCPs, specialist physicians, hospitals, behavioral healthcare providers, and diagnostic and ancillary service providers to ensure every member has access to covered services. The travel distance and access standards that Ambetter uses to monitor its network adequacy are in line with both state and federal regulations.

The charts below outline Ambetter’s appointment accessibility standards. If you have questions about these requirements, or if you would like to speak to a provider representative, reach out to us at

Please note that the charts below do not outline every accessibility and wait time requirement for Ambetter. To view the complete lists, visit our website at, click on the For Providers tab, and select Provider Resources. The 2024 Provider and Billing Manual is available under the Reference Materials heading.

Ambetter Appointment Availability and Wait Times

Appointment Type

Access Standard

PCPs - Routine Visits

15 business days

PCPs – Adult & Pediatric Non-Urgent Sick Visit

48 hours

PCPs – Adult & Pediatric Urgent Care

24 hours

Behavioral Health – Non-life Threatening Emergency

6 hours

Specialist Routine Visit

Within 30 business days

Urgent Care Providers

24 hours

Behavioral Health Urgent Care

48 hours

After Hours Care

Office number answered 24 hours/7 days a week by answering service or instructions on how to reach a physician

Emergency Providers

24 hours a day, 7 days a week

For the standard specific to your specialty and county, please reach out to a provider representative. The availability of our network practitioners is key to member care and treatment outcomes. Please ensure your information is up to date with our Provider Relations Representatives so our members can reach your office to schedule appointments without difficulty. You can update your information by visiting our Secure Provider Portal at or calling us at 1-877-617-0390.

Thank you for your continued partnership in helping Arkansas live better. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at 1-877-617-0390 (TTY: 1-877-617-0392).